Friday, January 14, 2011

The Name's Smith, E. Smith

     Heynow, it's been a few days since I've done one. Lets see if anything new has happened. Yesterday, I finally got into work and it was pay day. So basically I have a two day work week. The snow should melt today so I can deliver paintings (make some extra money) and hang out with a friend or two. Yesterday after work I went grocery shopping and bought some more canvases along with a laptop cooling fan. Hopefully that will decrease the noise when I record something from my laptop. Whenever I had to record something, the sound of the fan was too loud and would over power the performance.
     I've been procrastinating again and I found out that you can enter cheat codes on your Wii. Punch Out would be my ticket to completely beat the game. I also found out that you can hack a Wii. I don't know if I wanna do that. I'm afraid that I'll mess it up and break it. It's 10:46AM now and I'm hoping that my boss will leave early today. I overheard that his girlfriend is coming down to see him in about an hour. I hope he just goes home early so I can do the same. I've got a painting to do and I'm going to mail it because I'm a fan of their videos on YouTube and I thought it would be cool. I need to write them a letter along with the painting and stickers. Plus getting a box and mailing it should be "fun". I'm really hungry....what should I get for lunch? Why is it when I have breakfast at home in the morning that I am really hungry at lunch time. Sometimes I wouldn't even eat breakfast and wouldn't be that hungry for lunch. If my boss leaves early for the day, I'll order pizza and take it back home. I might order pizza anyway. My boss made a check list and I've done all of them today but he did say yesterday that I needed to make copies of the specifications today. The copier is not working well so hopefully he forgot about it and I can do it Monday. It's now 11:36AM now and today seems to be getting slower. Yesterday was really slow too. Oh yeah, I forgot, I need to look for a picture of Sean Connery as James Bond so I can do a painting for a client. It's 12:20PM and my boss won't leave for lunch! I'm so hungry! Okay, so my boss said that he's going to Corbin for his lunch with his girlfriend. That's an hour drive. So he'll be back late. One hour up, lunch (I'll guess another hour or so), then drive an hour back. So that's like at least three hours. I just ordered some pizza and it'll be ready in 15 minutes. I am really hungry. Before he left he mentioned the specifications, crud.
     It's after lunch and I am full. Not over eating, just full. There's three slices of pizza left in the work refrigerator.  It's now 3:30PM and I'm really sleepy. I think I might leave early anyway. I could go for a nap but if I drive home I'll be awake when I get there, and I can't sleep at work. I actually did that once (boss was gone the whole day) and I fell asleep at 3 and woke up at 6. I did an hour of overtime. I had to stay because a phone call was supposed to come in but didn't that day. I'm trying to stay awake by watching videos and listening to music but it's not working. I think I'll try and snooze a bit in my chair and see if I can get it out of my system. Well, that didn't work out well. When I put my head down, I started to get dizzy. Weird, but I just laid my head down on the table and wondered. A few minutes later an email came in and now I need to stay and make sure that everything prints out from the email attachments. It's now 4:42PM and I'm actually wearing my glasses while working. That rarely happens. I found a good James Bond picture and I found a good Jimi Hendrix picture that I could do for myself or sale, I don't know. Well, my boss came in and said to come in on MLK day (which I forgot about). So I'll be here Monday, hopefully my weekend will be awesome. My life is exciting, later.

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